Monday, June 30, 2014

Caring From a Distance – Tools to Help Long-Distance Caregivers

Speaker: Nora Jean Levin - 

Nora Jean Levin has been Executive Director of Caring from a Distance since 2004, when the position was created. She is responsible for the organization's website, designed with assistance from a team of long distance caregiver advisors, and powered by CFAD's award-winning technology partner, Trilogy Integrated Resources. With strategic community partners, she created the pilot on-line Metro D.C service directory, forging agreement between CFAD, the Guide to the Retirement Living and the Jewish Council for the Aging Senior Helpline. In 2009, responding to a initiative suggested by two families, Levin spear-headed CFAD's Caregiver Award Program using YouTube and a Caring from a Distance Channel as a unique platform to increase public awareness of the important role of caregiving.

The author of "How to Care for Your Parents: A Practical Guide to Eldercare" (4th edition), WW Norton (1997), Levin has written, spoken and consulted on eldercare issues for almost 25 years. In 2001, she was nominated for the Rosalynn Carter Caregiving Award as an "exceptional eldercare pioneer and consumer advocate for contributions focusing on family needs for better access to eldercare information and services."

Ms. Levin describes the tools available through “Caring from a Distance” to help families organize care for their loved one, including checklists, a library, and new technology tools that make information available to caregivers, medical staff and family members. In this session, we explored various scenarios that families frequently confront and solutions to manage the challenges.

Presentation Links (*some links no longer available)